TEA MASTERMIND What is Tea Mastermind? Napoleon Hill described the concept of the Mastermind as "coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose". He also said: "Every mind needs friendly contact with other minds, for food of expansion and growth." A mastermind is one of the most powerful tools you'll ever experience, because when you connect with even just one other entrepreneur who is focused on tea, marketing and success, your ideas don't just double, they TENFOLD! It's not a matter of multiplication - it's a matter of the exponential. Mastermind groups provide exponential growth! So I've launched a type of hybrid mastermind program where members....
And now we are announcing the LAUNCH of my BRAND NEW For those who have a tea-related business with 2+ years experience; or are actively involved as a tea trainer; start-up tea businesses are accepted on a case-by-case basis. The overall goal of the Tea Mastermind is for highly motivated, like-minded professionals with a passion for all things tea to come together, share information about tea and share ideas on how to increase sales, grow their businesses and provide a supportive network. It's like having your own personal board of directors. Each Tea Mastermind member brings different experiences, strengths and skillsets to the table. Each member is responsible to learn frm and to teach other members. As we do this, we are empowered to create solutions for ourselves and our group members. What Is A Tea Mastermind?
What is a mastermind and how can it help your business? A Tea Mastermind Group includes a mentor/facilitator and some of the following: Group coaching Masterminds are differentiated from online group programs by having live events and they are different from e-Courses for the same reason plus the inclusion of live group coaching. Why should I join?
Why You Need To Be In A Mastermind
Going it alone in business can be a real struggle, especially when your family and friends don’t understand. They're not in your shoes. Yes, their opinions count but they don't have the same day-to-day experiences that you have.
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